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Saturday, June 14, 2008

Astro Maps , Comparison Bi-wheel & Composite Charts

Comparison Bi-wheel & Composite ChartsCompare two individuals' charts, either as a Comparison Bi-wheel, with one chart surrounding the other or as a Composite chart of the two individual's put together and read as one chart. The interpretations are purchased separately, see our Add-ons.Comparison Bi-wheel & Composite ChartsCompare two individuals' charts, either as a Comparison Bi-wheel, with one chart surrounding the other or as a Composite chart of the two individual's put together and read as one chart. The interpretations are purchased separately, see our Add-ons.

Full color satellite maps with culminating rising and setting planet lines that show you where to look for opportunity. These maps have three levels of zoom and are quite stunning.

Solar & Lunar Return ChartsCalculates the chart for the moment when the Sun or Moon returns to its natal position in any year or month for your current location.
MidpointsDisplay natal midpoints sorted by planet or degree order, using any standard modulus from 360 to 45. Midpoint tree display is included

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