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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Burn Rate: Retrogrades in Astrology

Perhaps no astrological factor has more different opinions and less agreement among astrologers than the phenomenon of retrograde motion — the fact that from the earth’s view all planets appear to move backward in reverse motion through the zodiac, one or more times a year. Expert’s opinions range from there being no perceived effect whatsoever when a planet is retrograde, to there being a very dramatic effect. But then, even if an effect is indicated, there is a wide range of declarations as to what that effect might be.
Here in a single course, expert astrologer Michael Erlewine lays out the phenomenon of retrograde motion in a clear and easy-to-understand manner. More than just abstract theory, this is a hands-on way to interpret retrograde planets in your natal chart. Contains a complete ephemeris from 1900-2020.

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