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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Astrology of 2008

This overview of the astrological events of 2008 is intended to help us to experience with as much grace as possible the challenges that are coming down in our lives and get the most out of them as we prepare for the changes in our social structures that these next few years will bring. I firmly believe that it greatly helps to get the astrological perspective on important life challenges so that they may appear in a greater context, a cosmic one if you will.
In these next five years, until the end of 2012, we will see all the major outer planets change signs, and re-align in the first square configuration of Uranus and Pluto that follows their conjunction of the sixties. These changes of sign indicate world transformation of significant magnitude, as who would doubt in the light of what we have already seen so far. For starters, Pluto entering the sign of Capricorn will transform the corporate power structure and bring out the worst of it and also the best of us in response to that worst, as the twelve-year prior transit of Pluto in Sagittarius has done for religious zealotry. Pluto enters Capricorn in 2008, Uranus will enter Aries in 2010, squaring Pluto, and Saturn forms a T-square to Uranus and Pluto from 2009 - 2011. Jupiter will conjunct Uranus in the midst of this crucial time period, in 2010. Neptune will first enter Pisces in 2011 and then re-enter in 2012.

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